You are kindly invited to submit your work to the 6th European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL). The conference will be composed of several types of contributions (see the list below), each has different requirements and restrictions regarding the length, time allocation and content.
Papers: Include mainly research papers and in-depth literature reviews. Paper review takes place in two phases. A 500 word (one template page) abstract is required for the first phase. If the abstract is accepted a full text, 10 pages at the maximum, is required for the second phase. Only those accepted after second phase are published in the proceedings book by using this template.
Posters: These are mostly composed of work in progress reports or fresh developments and innovations. Posters will be displayed and presenters will be expected to be available to discuss their work at specified times during the conference. A 500 word (one template page) abstract is required.
Posters should be prepared in size 70 cm x 100 cm vertical or size A1 and contain the following:
- Title of the work/poster
- Name of author(s)
- Affiliation(s)
- Contact address and e-mail
- It is recommended that a minimum font size of 24-point be used to ensure that the poster is legible.
PechaKucha: Includes mostly work in progress reports, fresh developments, innovations and good practices. It is a short, very focused, visually appealing and inspiring narrated slide show (20 slides), 6 minute 40 second length (20 seconds for each slide), a 500 word (one template page) abstract is required.
Best Practices: Special sessions for good practices will be organized to provide opportunities for practitioners to share their experiences a 500 word (one template page) proposal is required.
Workshops: Workshops involve active participation and discussion with the focus on participants being able to develop skills or practical ideas for future implementation in their own practice, length should be negotiated with organizers, a 500 word (one template page) proposal is required. Proposals should include information such as topics to be covered, objectives, outcomes, target audience and equipment needed.
Panels: Discussions on selected conference topics will be held, length should be negotiated with organizers, a 500 word (one template page) proposal is required. Proposals should include information about topics to be covered, objectives, chair, papers and panelists.
Special Sessions: Special sessions composed of several papers on specific topics will be organized, length should be negotiated with organizers, a 500 word (one template page) abstract is required from each contributer/speaker. Which special session abstracts belong to should be indicated in the Conference Management System during the submission process.
Doctoral Forum: Short papers either on a critical literature review of the research topic or research question(s), research objectives, research methodology and work done so far of on going work of PhD students. Provides an opportunity to gain valuable feedback from peers and subject specific experts. Review process takes place in two phases. A 500 word (one template page) abstract is required for the first phase. If the abstract is accepted a full text, 7-8 pages at the maximum, is required for the second phase. Only those accepted after second phase are published in the proceedings book.
Corporate Showcases & Exhibitions: These are for companies to present recent developments, applications, products and services. Further details can be provided from conference secretariat.